Why improve your health?

July 5th


We often hear the phrase, “Health is wealth,” but what does it truly mean? Well, when we talk about health, we’re not just referring to physical fitness. It encompasses a holistic approach to well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional aspects. By prioritising your health, you can experience a so many benefits that will positively impact all areas of your life.

To start, let’s discuss the physical benefits. When you take steps to improve your physical health, you enhance your body’s overall functionality.

Regular exercise plays a huge part in managing you physical health, the two things that make the biggest difference in my opinion are:

Daily activity, this is the foundation! Now if you think of an office work vs let’s say a gardener who do you think would be more active? The gardener right… So the first port of call for you is to manage you activity levels a great way but not the only way to do this is to track your steps!

Then you have in my opinion resistance or strength training, do something that will help you get stronger wether that’s moving your own body weight with things like push ups squats and sit ups or get yourself to the gym or a class to move some weights. There are so many benefits to strength training it’s going to be a whole episode on its own, but some are, increase balance, look and feel leaner and makes some everyday tasks so much easier!

Another part of physical health is making sure you eat a a balanced diet, to keep things super simple here’s a guide to making a balanced meal!

Use your hand as your portion guide, you palm is your guide for protein which is your meats, fishes and plant based proteins.

You ideally need 1-2 palm sized portions of protein per meal. No cup your hand this is your guide for carbohydrates like pasta, rice, potatoes etc you need 2-4 of these per meal, next make a fist! Try and 2 or more fist fulls of vegetables per meal! Last but not least stick your thumb out, this is your portion guide for fats, think avocado, butter, oils and nuts and 1-2 thumbs of fat is a great starting point.

A great place to start is 2 portions of each and then go from there if you’re feeling tired or hungry add another portion of carbs! If you’re gaining weight remove a thumb of fat or cupped hand of carbohydrates.(based on three meals per day) Visit this link to get a more accurate guide

Your diet is yours and what will work for me won’t work for you, its a game of trial and error and the game isn’t supposed to finish in 6 weeks you need to adjust and adapt for the long term!

Adequate sleep also contributes to increased energy levels, improved cardiovascular health, and a strengthened immune system.

So how much do you need, estimates are between 7-9 hours a night for adults and but again it’s individual to you and you could need more or less than that this is just a guide. Here’s a couple of tips for getting a great night sleep

– Reduce screen time leading up to bed time, that includes phones and the tele,
– Make sure your room is cool about 18 degrees is optimal.
– Make sure your room is tidy, tidy room = a quiet mind!

These factors not only help prevent chronic diseases but also boost your longevity and quality of life.

Moving on to mental well-being, it’s essential to understand the close relationship between physical and mental health.

Regular exercise releases endorphins, commonly known as “feel-good” hormones. These endorphins not only alleviate stress and anxiety but also promote a positive mood and overall mental well-being. By taking care of your body, you’re also taking care of your mind.

Resistance training is great for this there are often moments where you lift a weight or do an exercise you never thought you could and in those moments you create the belief that you are capable of way more than you think!

Additionally, improving your health can have a significant impact on your emotional well-being. When you prioritise self-care and make healthier choices, you foster a sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

Engaging in activities that bring you joy and practicing mindfulness can help reduce feelings of depression and boost your emotional resilience. Taking care of yourself is an act of self-love and can lead to greater happiness and fulfilment.

Now that we’ve discussed the personal benefits of improving your health, let’s explore how it can positively affect your relationships and social interactions.

When you’re in good physical and mental shape, you’re better equipped to show up for others in your life. Improved health allows you to engage in activities with loved ones, participate in social gatherings, and form meaningful connections. It’s incredible how taking care of yourself can improve your ability to connect with others and nurture strong, fulfilling relationships.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the impact of health on your professional life. When you prioritise your well-being, you’ll notice an increase in productivity, focus, and creativity. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can enhance your cognitive function and help you stay sharp throughout the day. By investing in your health, you’re investing in your career success.

While we’ve highlighted the individual benefits of improving your health, it’s important to recognise the broader impact it has on society.

A healthier population leads to reduced healthcare costs, fewer sick days, and an overall increase in productivity. By making conscious choices to improve your health, you become a positive role model for others, inspiring them to embark on their own health journeys. Together, we can create a healthier and happier society.

So, whether you’re starting small with small changes in your daily routine or you’re already committed to a healthy lifestyle, remember that improving your health is an ongoing process. It’s about progress, not perfection. Each step you take towards better health is an investment in your own future and the well-being of those around you.

I hope this has inspired you to prioritise your health and take action towards a happier and healthier life.

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